Vídeo 'Toon je kunst' de Maurits Burgers
Música 'Sea Bird Truncated' de Marco Raaphorst
El Maurits i la Viory són dos amics holandesos que vaig conèixer a Textamerica.
Al primer el vaig conèixer en persona a la Meet and Greet de Barcelona el 2004.
A la segona la vaig conèixer en persona a la Meet and Greet d'Amsterdam el 2005.
Malgrat ja no són a la comunitat, tenen blocs i fotoblocs i mantenim el contacte.
El Maurits és pintor, fotògraf i videògraf i és extremadament actiu a la xarxa.
La Viory és periodista i fotògrafa i darrerament ha evolucionat espectacularment.
Ambdós participen en una exposició local a La Haia, inaugurada ahir dissabte amb molt d'èxit.
No només me'n alegro perquè els conec, sinó que me'n alegro perquè s'ho mereixen!
Thank you so much dear friend!
ResponEliminaYou're welcome! Glad to be your friend! : )
ResponEliminamolt divertit de veure el meu video en el teu blog ;-]
ResponEliminabut... shouldn't I be 'En Maurits' in stead of 'El Maurits' ?[erase this at will]
Ha estat un plaer, no s'exposa cada dia! : D
ResponElimina'El' and 'la' is colloquial, 'en' and 'na' is more polite and come from a nobiliary title, once used by counts and kings. In example, Jaume I was 'el rei En Jaume'. Today we can use both and mixed. In example, we can say 'en Maurits i la Viory' because 'en' is more used than 'na'. Today any combination is accepted.
mercéc, mai sabia [that how I would say " I never knew" in dutch, I wonder how it works in catalá ?
ResponEliminaI used to think that the use of el or en depends on the first letter of the name.
ResponEliminaFor instance, En Jaume, because El Jaume is not as easy to say, when trying to say 'el Jame' very fast repeatedly it halts and transforms to become 'en jaume'.
The same for names starting with M or N. [and other?]
I am afraid though that this is only my own cooked up theory, it's a thing I tried to learn and master when I started with the catalingo. My theory must be a deep rooted mistake, your explaining really shed a light.
[I wish my Catalan was as good as my english]
You're welcome my friend.
ResponEliminaColloquial: Gràcies, no ho sabia.
Polite: Mercès, no ho havia sentit dir mai.
No, en/el Jaume/Maurits both are equal easy to say. The use of en/na and el/la is not the same on the whole Catalan Countries but has the same root.
ResponEliminaen/na come from En/Na that come from 'N/'Na that come from Don/Dona that come from the Latin domine/domina that was replaced by Senyor/Senyora.
Senyor/Senyora once was only used by God and kings, later by nobility, later by high society but nowadays is regularly used as Sr./Sra. Mr./Mrs.
Nostre Senyor / Nostra Senyora / el Senyor rei / la Senyora Reina
En/Na once was only used by kings, later by nobility, later by high society but nowadays is regularly used as the polite el/la.
el rei En Jaume / la reina Na Violant
The colloquial Catalan (family/close friends/aquitances) mainly use el/la, the polite Catalan (business/administration/strangers) use en/na, the standard Catalan (school/college/media) use both.
[I wish my spoken English was as good as yours] ; )
I think I finally understand it.
ResponEliminaThanks a lot for the great explanation.
You're welcome my friend. This series of comments almost reminds me the good old moblogging times : )
ResponEliminaaixo es la veritat ;-]
ResponEliminaLet's go for the good present blog times ; )